Conjunction for Comparisons and Conditions

 Conjunction for Comparisons and Conditions Subordinating conjunctions are used to subordinate and make the complete meaning of sentences. These don’t help them to make any sentences but these do help them to support them and stand by them to give an extensive meaning. The subordinating conjunctions are divided into several parts with a unique name…

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5 ways to learn English Faster

You may have a question how can I learn English easily? If you really want to learn or brush up on your English communication skill, this article is only for you. There are 5 amazing ways shared for everyone to learn English easily and perfectly.       1)    To have an experienced teacher 2)   A…

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What is Adverb with Examples

What is an adverb definition? An adverb is a word that modifies multiple functionalities of a noun, pronoun, adjective, adverb, verb, conjunction, phrase, clause, participle, or even a whole sentence. Or An adverb is a word that modifies every part of speech except an interjection. There are some examples given below wherein an adverb is…

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Present Perfect Tense With Examples

There are many parts of tenses but unlike the present indefinite tense, the present perfect tense itself is perfect and keeps its significance alone. This tense is used when the action is perfectly acted out recently. When you have done any action recently, which tense is to be used in such a case? There are…

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Present Continuous Tense Rule

Language learning is a constant process for every day’s improvement. I don’t need to tell you how significate the communication skills are. Tense is one of the most indispensable chapters of English Grammar that helps us to form grammatical sentences accordingly. It clearly differentiates the actions based on the different time periods.  Today we are…

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Present Indefinite Tense

Present Indefinite Tense with Example

 There are three parts of time which we separate into three parts and name them Tenses. They keep highly significance in the linguistic world; their presence and grammatically correct usages are really very important to have a good command over any language whether it is English or any other language in the world. Let’s learn…

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